Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Things to do on 4/6

 Dear all,

I hope you had a wonderful Spring Break, though we indeed had lots to do during the break. Sorry if you spent most of your time working on your drafts and the storyboard. 

For tomorrow, after the sharing session, we'll do some practice on sentence structures. Actually, not all of you need this practice; however, having a clearer idea of sentence structures will be helpful for you to write sentences with power. I feel you need to be reminded, especially after reading your d2e2. I have to be honest with you; some drafts did not read like being read by any of your group members. I wasn't expecting that. 

Then two TAs will come to class: 

A. Cathy will give a mini-lesson on collocation, figurative language, and plots, which she believes are essential when writing. I agree. Sometimes, whether an essay is appreciated doesn't solely rely on your grammar or mechanics in language use, but if you can exercise the power of your expression and the arrangement of your story.

B. Louis then will come for the 3rd hour, giving a speech on how to make videos that tell good stories. If your storyboard version 1 is ready, he will provide some preliminary suggestions for your video-making process. 

See you!

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